We are visual artists from Spokane, Washington. We specialize in murals, paintings, and digital art. Our mural work can be seen throughout the Inland Northwest from Columbia Basin College in Pasco, Washington to The Centennial Trail in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. In Spokane, you can see our work in places such as The Spokane Arena, Kendall Yards, Maple Street, Riverpark Square, LIUNA Laborers 238 and Hoffman Music Store among others. Our digital work has been used by organizations such as the New York Times, Forbes, NPR and L.A. Weekly. Our work can best be described by our artist statement: “Our art is purely autobiographical. It is about ourselves and the world we live in. It is an attempt at a record. We are inspired by people and subjects that interest us.”

Selected Clients
Washington State Arts - Washington State Arts Commission
Spokane Arts - City of Spokane
Spokane Arena - Spokane Public Facilities District
Coeur d'Alene Arts - City of Coeur d'Alene
Columbia Basin College - Pasco, Washington
LIUNA, Laborers International Union of America Local 238 - Spokane, Washington
Waste to Energy Facility - Spokane, Washington
Spokane Teachers Credit Union Riverpark Square Branch - Spokane, Washington
Hoffman Music Store - Spokane, Washington
Greenstone Homes - Kendall Yards, Spokane, Washington

Art On the Green, Coeur d’ Alene, ID - “Brothers” Acrylic/Oil on Board 24”x48”, Juried Show, Best in Show Painting
Chase Gallery, Spokane, WA - “Lincoln” Oil on Board 48”x60”, Exhibition
Spokane Public Library, Spokane, WA - "Horses" Series of 8, Acrylic on Canvas, 48"x 60", Group Exhibition
Chase Gallery, Spokane, WA - “Vinnie” Oil on Canvas 16”x20” and “The Fish” Oil on Board 48”x60”, Group Exhibition “My Pets”
Masonic Temple, Spokane, WA - “Annabelle” Oil on Canvas 24”x48” Juried Show, Best in Show
Ocean Shores Convention Center, Ocean Shores, WA - "The Beach” Oil and Epoxy on Board, 48”x 24”, Exhibition

Washington State Arts Commission, "Infinite Humanity" Washington State Artist Roster, 2017
Chey Scott, "Best Mural: Eyes on Maple" The INLANDER, 2019 "Waste to Energy Facility 25th Aniversary Mural"
Kristi Paulus, “New mural adorns Columbia Basin College building” KEPR TV, August 23, 2017 "Infinite Humanity"
The Journal of the American Institute of Architects, "STCU / Rocket Bakery" Architect Magazine, September 2017 "Spokane Teachers Credit Union Downton Branch Mural"
ALSC Architects, "STCU & Rocket Bakery" ALSC Architect Portfolio, "Spokane Teachers Credit Union and Rocket Bakery Mural"
Karen Mobley, "The Eyes Have it: The Maple Street Mural" Spokane Coeur d'Alene Living, September 2016 "Eyes on Maple Mural"
Mike Prager, "Maple Street mural celebrates 25th anniversary of Waste-to-Energy Plant" The Spokesman-Review, July 17, 2018 "Eyes on Maple Mural"
Spokesman-Review, "Murals in Spokane" May 7, 2019
KXLY TV Casey Lund, “Benson brother bringing downtown to life through art” KXLY NEWS, August 18, 2018 "Maple Street Mural"
KHQ TV, “Spokane artists revamp murals after vandals tag them” KHQ Q6 NEWS, May 2, 2018 "Maple Street Mural"
KXLY TV Austin Regimbal, “Maple mural celebrates Spokane waste facility” KXLY NEWS, July 25, 2016 "Eyes on Maple"
Mike Bookey, "Celebrate the Spokane Arena's 20th Anniversary with an open house tonight" The INLANDER, 2015 "Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena"
Judith Spitzer, “Spokane art scene seeks spark” Spokane Journal of Business, July 31, 2014 "Maple Street Mural"
The Spokesman-Review, “Benson’s Mural at Central Foods Reflects Affection for Spokane” The Spokesman-Review, March 21, 2013 "A Love Letter to Spokane"
Daniel Walters, “New York Times uses Spokane Graffiti Artists to Illustrate Wikileaks Article” The Inlander, December 2, 2010 "Batman and Robin"
Robert Mackey, “Updates on Leaks on US Cables” New York Times, December 1, 2010 "Batman and Robin"
“This Week in Pictures” USA Today, July 20, 2014 "Diversity"
Teri Buhl, “If Gold Doubles John Paulson Climbs up Billionaire List” Forbes, September 23, 2010 "American Capitalism, Financial Crisis"